Do you get the classic grunt, grumble, or "fine" when you ask your child about their day?

 Does talking to your child feel complicated?

The tween years are similar to the turbulent twos. Your child is experiencing new things while growing into their independence. A lot is going on in their world.

If they aren't talking to you, then who?

Friends, their favorite teacher, or maybe not a single soul…

When my students suggested that we start a club called "Things We Can't Tell Our Parents", I couldn't begin to imagine what they were so eager to discuss. I decided to document these topics and create a card deck to inspire these must have conversations. Today, I am giving you the top 20 questions that you should DISCUSS with your child,


Grab your FREE digital copy of the

Top 20 Must Ask Questions

pulled straight from my card deck!

Open Up: The ParenTeen REAL-ationship

Card Deck

This card deck is designed to help parents and children strengthen their relationships through rich conversation and connection. This 70-card series was created by a teacher-mom inspired by the three aspects of social-emotional development: acting, feeling, and thinking.

The questions range from light to deep. Many are from the mouths of babes. These are questions that your child would love to know about you and what you need to know about them. Understanding each other on a deep level and honest communication requires an open mind to listen instead of judgment.

Take pleasure in the richness of the conversations and BE PRESENT!

Enjoy connecting with your children. Be vulnerable.

Listen to what is being shared.

Open Up! I am giving you a digital copy of the TOP 20 questions that you and your child need to discuss RIGHT NOW for FREE! As long as you promise to not be afraid to have these candid conversations.

Because let me tell you, my students have told me that their parents are unwilling to have real conversations. They’ve told me that their parents talk AT them and not TO them. They’ve told me that their parents won’t have TIME to play the game with them. They’ve told me that the reason they tell their business to strangers is because at least they listen.

If you are ready to have these important conversations with your tweens and teens, then I got you!

Grab your FREE digital copy of the top 20 questions from my card deck.

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